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Starting small

Elissa Woods

At some point in the journey of life I’m on I started to lose the hope. I’ve been struggling to figure out why I’m in a perpetual place of stuck. Something dawned on me this week while speaking our Doju Kun (doju rules).

In my karate dojo before every class we come to a meditation followed by speaking the doju rules. The rules are;

Seek perfection of character

Be faithful


Respect others

Refrain from violent behavior.

In yoga there is the 8 limb path and in that path are the yamas and niyamas. Those are the external and internal ethics for which we should strive for. For this convo I’ll just bring up the Yama or external ethics.

The yama (external ethics) ;

Ahimsa (non-harming)

Satya (truth)

Asteya (non-stealing)

Brahmacarya (energy control)

Aparygraha (non-greed)

These line up so well. It dawned on me during karate that I am so well neglecting all of these.

Have you ever known the things you should be doing for success but you a neglecting every single one of those things?

In an effort to come back to some level of balance I will come back to looking at these ethics and rules as given by the practices I follow.

To go along with coming back to that balance I will be taking my vitamins daily.

Starting small.

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